With over 15 years of experience in stabilizing wood, we are one of the pioneers in Europe who paved the way for stabilized wood. Stabilization means that we introduce a liquid infiltration resin into the wood with the help of vacuum and pressure and then harden it in the kiln. This creates a hybrid material that can hardly absorb any water, is largely free of warping and no longer changes its volume through drying or swelling. Stabilized wood retains its appearance, whereby stabilization with coloured resin often makes special wood structures visible. In terms of application, characteristics and processing, it resembles tropical hardwoods. This aspect is of particular concern to us, as we can and wish to replace tropical woods in the long term with our stabilized woods such as EBOWOOD (black stabilised hornbeam). The areas of application for stabilized wood are numerous. Over the years, we have advised many companies on the manufacture of their products, so that today we can draw on a wealth of knowledge in product development and support our B2B partners with our stabilized woods.